Tuesday, July 17, 2007

It Ends Tonight...

Tomorrow is my first day of my new job! I dunno why but I juz feel like I am running out of time. In another half an hour, it will be 18th of July... a start of a new phase in life for me! No more slacking at home, doing whatever I like at anytime or anywhere... No more late night outings with Deardear on weekdays!! No more sleeping late and waking up late!! No more msn or surfing the net during the day from Mondays to Fridays!!!

It ends tonight... it ends tonight...

I am having mixed feelings now... I know I must go to bed by now... but I am not sleepy... If I don't go to bed by now, I will definitely not be able to wake up at 6.30am tomorrow morning... and thus will then be late for work which starts at 8.30AM!!! ARRRRGH!!! WHY SO EARLY???!!! DAMN!!

Then comes next, I am experiencing the fear of first day at work once again... the need to make new friends with colleagues, the need to mix around and socialize, the need to introduce myself to everyone, the fear of doing things wrongly and so on!!! I hate it coz I have social phobia!! The only thing that is comforting is that there's Vanessa around... but still she cannot be always there for me... so there may still be times where she might be on MC or on leaves, so I must still learn to be independent.

I guess maybe I won't have time to update my blog as often from now. I have yet to write an entry on my experience eating at Stonegrill on last Saturday. Hope to put it up soon.

Oh yah, I miss Deardear now eventhough I just saw him this afternoon, eventhough he just called me about an hour ago!! Whenever it comes to the first day on a new job, I dunno why I will miss Deardear the most!! Think bcoz I have this fear that I will not get to see him as often as when I am not working... =(

Ok, really got to get to bed now. Nitenite!

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