Thursday, December 21, 2006

No Mood For Christmas...

Well, another 3 days would be Christmas Eve but I don't even have the mood for it... Was hoping that I could clear my leave by using it to offset my resignation notice period so that I don't have to work on Christmas Day... Unfortunately, the company did not allow me to do so bcoz they are obviously short of manpower to run the call centre!! Damn!!

Well, accompanied my mum for her christmas shopping along Orchard Road yesterday although I was supposed to be resting at home as I was on MC (but who cares now?). Seeing others choosing and buying presents for their family and friends really makes me envy them as I have always hope that I could celebrate Christmas by attending Christmas gatherings with my friends, relatives and of course with my Dear!!

Looking at the calendar simply makes me sick! I have to work overnight shift tomorrow (22nd Dec), in which Saturday (23rd Dec) was supposedly to be an annual leave taken by me but the company replaced it with an off day. Meaning, I have to work from Friday night till Saturday morning and then spend a partial of my Saturday (23rd Dec) to sleep!! Very well... and that leaves me with only the evening to do whatever I can do!!

That's not all!! Why am I pissed when I am already scheduled for an off on Christmas Eve?? Reason being my Dear needs to work on Christmas Eve when I am off for the day. Don't know if I should blame it on his company for making him to work on that day on a compulsory basis or to blame it on my company for making me work an overnight shift on tomorrow night that caused me to waste away a part of my Saturday which is the only time we have to celebrate Christmas??!! Not to mention Christmas Day itself, both of us have to work lor!!! So tell me... would I still have the mood for Christmas in such a situation??

One of the reasons for quitting my job is bcoz I do not want to work on public holidays, so that I thought I could have more time to spent with Dear! Now that after I have quitted my job, I realized that my Dear's new job requires him to work on public holidays and now he cannot spent time with me!! What can I say about it?? I feel so dumb!! Probably everything was just not meant to be!! If only he could not just rely on this job (that I think is obviously taking advantage of him) and go look for some other jobs that have proper normal working hours!! But I think this can only be a wishful thought... maybe I shall make that my Christmas wish then!!! =S

Enough of my grumbling!! I bet those who have been reading my blog must have been sick of all these... Hee... Bear with me coz I have no choice but to flare it out here.

Anyway, I wish all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!

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