Friday, July 14, 2006

What Does CBR Means??

After our training has ended, we were put on the job to take inbound calls as well as to do call-backs to customers since Tuesday. I was paired up with C as buddies to take turns in handling the incoming calls and calling customers back in regards to their earlier called-in queries.

When we were doing our call-back tasks, we came across this word "CBR" several times but all of us did not know what it stands for... After asking our mentor, we then found out that CBR simply means Call Back Required. Duhh!!

However, C and I came up with another meaning for "CBR" (apart from the sports bike called CBR or "Chee Bye Rider" Hehee...). We actually changed the meaning to "Chee Bye Rang"!! It's supposed to be said as "chee bye lang" lah but we changed the "lang" to "rang", so that it doesn't sounds too obvious. So now this is the term used by us to describe or scold unreasonable demanding customers after our call ends! Kekeke... =P

So don't be a CBR I tell you huh!!!

*P/S: Sorry about the vulgarity used here. Just that some customers are really so unreasonable that they ought to be catagorized as CBR by us since we as customer service officers are not allowed to scold them back directly when we are scolded by them on the line.

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