Sunday, October 14, 2007

No PH Replacement For Me On Monday...

Selamat Hari Raya.... And happy anniversary to Deardear and me yesterday! Yesterday was a public holiday but bcoz it happened to be a Saturday which is a non-working day for those working on Monday to Friday, these people have their public holiday replaced on this coming Monday.

Very unfortunately, Saturday is considered as a working day in our company and although I also work on a 5 days work week from Monday to Friday, my public holiday is given to us as an off-in-lieu claimable before December this year. Thus I still have to go back to work tomorrow! Damn it!!! I hate work!! =(

Oh yah, I took a few pictures of my office after work last week. Here's some pictures of my workstation... many Hello Kitty stuffs!! Hehee!! And the white boards which were just put up 2 weeks ago to record on our daily productivity, efficiency, trainings and performances. The last one is a picture of the surrounding in my department...

Anyway, Dear and I went shopping yesterday as usual, just like almost every other Saturdays and then catched the movie 'Mr Woodcock' around 11plus at night together with the other 2 couples - Choco and Grace, Andrew and Audrey. The movie was funny yet not so funny... coz there were a few parts which were meant to be funny but I could only hear a few people's laughters. One thing for sure is that the last part was the funniest!!

By the time the movie ended, it was about 1.30am. Since it was already quite late, everyone decided to go home. When we walked to Choco's car parked at the open space carpark opposite Cineleisure, his car was showered with bird shits!!! Yucks!! It was so damn disgusting!! =b

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