Monday, October 08, 2007

Error, Errors and More Errors... Stop Blaming It On Us!

When was the last time I blogged?? I'm so lazy to blog these days... even had the intention to close this blog. But thinking twice, I cannot bear to close it after all the effort I have put in setting it up previously!

Anyway, my life is getting so routined week after week. Routine means boring to me... so there's nothing much to talk about except more complains about work. I think I am also suffering from my quarter-life crisis. I have no motivation to go to work everyday. I just feel like taking MC every morning. The moment I wake up on each and every single working day, I will just hope that I am not feeling well so that I don't have to go to work!

Well, I think my company simply treats us as robots. They expect both quality and quantity from us! To a certain extent, we can only choose to achieve either one of them... Bcoz when you want more quality in work, quantity reduces due to the time spent on improving the quality. But when you want more quantity, quality will definitely be affected and thus drops when we rush through our work to hit the amount of quantity expected of us.

Never did I expect an office operations job to be somewhat similar to the call centre whereby we need to hit the targeted number of calls taken per hour (quantity) and at the same time, providing excellent customer service qualities to the callers. For my job now, we are being measured on our errors versus our productivity... meaning we must try not to make any errors while processing customers' credit card applications and we are being tracked on the number of applications each person processed during every 2 hours interval. I all along thought that office jobs should be kinda relax, doing things at my own pace, own time own target, as long as I can meet the dateline. I really regret taking up this stupid job manz!!

What's more?? I even have to call up customers myself when this was not even stated as one of the job responsibilities in the JD previously. This is actually the call agent's job, but soon I will not just be working in operations but also taking on the roles of call agents! Feel so cheated for taking up this job! These few days, my colleagues and I were scheduled to attend customer service trainings by pairing with a buddy from the call agents department! Guess what?? They don't even have voice logging machines! They expect us to use manual tape recorders to record down the phone conversations with customers. That's not all! The buddy system was so redundant bcoz... I cannot hear what the customers are saying but only can sit beside the buddy to listen to how he speaks to the customers! That's so dumb!!!

Worst still, he treats me like I know nuts about customer service. Come on lor, don't try to smoke me hor!!! I worked in another bank's call centre before!! I can only say this guy is super tua kang!

That's not all... Everyday, we are just being pin-pointed on our errors and productivity! All they focus on are these 2 factors! When we cannot finish our work in every 2 hours, we will be asked on reasons for why we are not able to finish... Despite we cannot finish, they will still allocate somemore work for us and expect us to finish everything by end of the day. Sometimes if we cannot finish by 6.15pm, we have to stay back late to do OT even if we have an appointment with friends after work. This is so stressful and unmotivating everytime my work becomes overloaded on a particular day, especially Mondays bcoz it's the day I will meet Deardear after work!

However, when there's a slight improvement, there's not a single word of encouragement or action of appreciation from our bosses to boost our morale and motivation... Instead they will just go on and focus on the bad part like for example, they will sent out emails stating something like this - "Although there are fewer errors made in this month compared to the previous month, the number of errors are still very high. Please try to be more careful in checking, especially when the volume is considered low during this period."

If you receive such emails daily, don't you feel irritated and unmotivated to go to work? They always make it sound like we are the ones to be blamed for making errors! But in actual fact, they should blame it on their poor training systems! Moreover, we are not robots... We are just human beings!! No one human being is perfect ok!!!

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