Friday, June 02, 2006

My Instant Manicure!!

Recently, I'm starting to miss those long grown fingernails which I've trimmed away previously... Eversince then, my nails are so damn short bcoz they kept chipping off while I am trying to grow them longer.

Anyway, I just went to a professional nails training school for a job interview today... Suddenly I have the urge to play with nail arts again, however my nails are not long enough for me to do anything now... not even to paint them with nail polish now coz I don't like to paint nail polish on short fingernails as I think painting on short fingernails makes your fingers look ugly instead of posh!!

Went to Far East Plaza to shop around after the interview with Dear... But after Dear went to work, I suddenly remember that there was this new shop on level 3 called Enamour, which sells stuffs like Swarovski rhinestones, stickers and accessories for nails and mobile phone decorations. So I decided to go there to take a look... With an intention to go and take a look at the stickers and accessories so as to beautify my pink V3 into a blink blink handphone (something like G-Mask), in the end I bought 2 artificial nails set from there but bought nothing for my phone!! Hehehee...

I all along had the perception that artificial nails either doesn't last (as in the glue does not hold the artificial nails in place for very long) or would spoil my real fingernails (as in I thought the glue would get stuck permanently onto my fingernails hence weakening them eventually), yet I still bought them for the fun of extending my nails since now they are so short!

Anyway after sticking on the artificial nails, I realised that the artificial ones can actually look quite natural and stay in place for quite long too (if the glue is of good quality). Furthermore, it really saves my time and effort doing the manicure, such as putting on the nail polish and designing the nail art myself. Here's how they look on my hand. Nice nice!! =D

I think beside shopping for rhinestones, stickers and nail enamels, now I have one more item to add onto my shopping list... Artificial nails sets!! Kekeke... =P

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